Danielle Buhuro


Lincoln Memorial Congregational UCC | Woodlawn

Chaplain and Pastoral Care Educator
Advocate South Suburban & Trinity Hospitals

Ph.D. Student in Theology
Chicago Theological Seminary



Projects and Work

Is There Heaven for a G?
A Pastoral Care Approach to Gang Violence

Resource Publications | 2017 | on Amazon

How does a hospital chaplain provide pastoral care to gang member patients? What are the systemic factors that contribute to gang violence? How does the American culture contribute to gang violence? What is the church called to be and do? Where is the hope? These are just some of the questions that this fast-paced, energetic book tackles, ultimately leaving one to theologically grapple with the question: Is There A Heaven For A 'G' (or Gangster)?

Spiritual Care in an Age of #BlackLivesMatter
Cascade Publications (Wipf and Stock) | forthcoming


Available for Comment /Consultation on

Gang violence & systemtic racism

African American spirituality

Hospital chaplaincy


Articles and Conference Papers

"Transforming Trauma to Trust: A Prophetic Model of CPE Supervision in the Age of #Black Lives Matter"
Reflective Practice vol 38 | 2018 | read

"#BlackHealthMatters: A Pastoral Care Approach for African Americans Living with Chronic Illness"
Annual Conference of the Association of Professional Chaplains | July 2018
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