Dan Puchalla

Host & Producer
Skeptical Preacher podcast

Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies
Louisiana State University | Baton Rouge, LA

Assistant Editor for Design
Anglican Theological Review

Associate Rector (former)
St. Paul & the Redeemer Episcopal Church
Hyde Park | Chicago

Projects and Work

Skeptical Preacher
Skeptical Preacher averages 150 listens per day. This is a podcast about hosing off the Bible from what's gotten caked onto it: predictable platitudes, right-wing politics, pastoral demagoguery, and theologically-correct boredom. Through weekly exegesis of sacred texts, Dan cracks open that book  to find out what's in it —  what's not in it — and how embracing the Bible's weirdness might help us build a better world for everyone.

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Available for
Comment/Consultation on

  • Uses of the Bible in political discourse
  • Religion and popular culture

